Friday, February 5, 2016

And so it begins...

This is the second blog that I'm starting in less than a year now and just like the last one, I have a bunch of mixed feelings with this one as well. The positive side of this mixed bag are feelings of promises, ideas, excitement. The negative side being worries about time constraints, criticism and conviction in it's purpose.

However, unlike my previous blog, this one is intended to serve a more concrete purpose. I am an economics grad student in Budapest. For as long as I can remember, I have had a habit of coming up with random applications of things that I learn. These applications range from making funny stories about chemical reactions in organic chemistry to writing love letters in discrete mathematics.

The basic intention behind such actions has been to score better. Considering the given examples, in an exam or in bed. Although I have realised over time that I do this thinking even when there is no real incentive for me. I do it to make reinforce the things I learn and to grasp the concepts better. You see, when I apply what I've studied in such ways, it becomes a fun exercise for me and as a result, I'm able to transform the mundaneness of classroom/textbook education into an enjoyable exercise.

I don't mean to imply that my classes are boring or my textbooks make me sleep. I enjoy both of them for the most part. I believe it has to do with this deep curiosity about the fact that all people do not like all subjects equally. It is very understandable that everyone has different tastes. My sister loves classic novels, history and fashion but she cannot do differential calculus even if her life depends on it. I can write beautiful C++ codes. In high school, I orgasmed after solving a physics numerical on rotational mechanics at times but I look like a homeless person on most days and it takes me ages to finish a fiction novel.

Given this fact that everyone is not equally efficient in performing in certain areas, I always thought about how I can become manageably good in my areas of weakness. This thought extrapolated to the following question: "Given that a student is weak in a subject, how can he/she study in a manner to become manageably good at it, if not the best?" The only reason this question exists is because I couldn't write my sister's math exam and she couldn't write my history quiz. We all had to do our part.

Hence, I developed the habit of applying my learning in random ways. Over the last 1 year, I have done more of the same and I think it's time that I started writing them down and sharing with all those who might find it interesting. So basically, this blog will have ideas, stories, letters/poems etc. Anything in which, I apply the concepts I study or have studied in the past in ways only my imagination can come up with. I request you to feel free to share your thoughts, criticisms and appreciation in the comments section below.